So my credit score is like a 587, slash 487 or something. Credit.com is a great way to check your credit score, or the credit card companies will just send you something with your credit score if you apply.

My credit is so low that I can't take out a credit card!  And I'm sure I can't take out loans- for school or anything else, with that kind of credit.

Which means I just have to either build up my credit by working, or asking my family for money, or both.

I played a fun game the other day, called "WHAT WOULD I DO WITH A BILLION DOLLARS".

This is my list, which I mulled over happily for like 2 hours, it was the most narcissistic 2 hours of my life :

1. pay off my debts and loans! No joke! This would be my first move, only because it's causing all this trouble!

2. go shopping, but NOT at high end boutique places or for expensive clothes and thing, I would just buy a SHIT ton of things at stores I already shop at like H and M, or Zara. I would also go FOOD SHOPPING, which I am super loving lately, and maybe hire a cook to cook the food I buy. Remember, I have a billion dollars!

3. Charity! This one I would actually do- I really would do charity work with a billion dollars only because I need a meaningful life. Sorry. I would indulge in the hedonism for like 2 years maybe, but then fall back into a depression if I didn't feel like my life had a larger purpose or meaning. I had this existential crisis in college. In college I sort of had the "billion dollars"- well I didn't have a billion dollars, but I had everything pretty much taken care of- tuition, food, lodging, PLUS a whole group of friends from very wealthy families- who introduced me to the lifestyle of a person who had their high school paid for.  So I did go through a phase in college where I just like shopped whatever I wanted, did whatever I wanted, like acted nuts! But then I got really depressed really quickly, drank a lot lol!! And swiftly entered into an emotionally abusive relationship which at the time gave my life meaning.
And THEN I found meaning my books classes, and professors. I assume if I won the lottery tomorrow I would just repeat that pattern. I would like indulge in a lavish lifestyle for a while, get depressed, and then like do charity work or give back. I think I'm pretty much an average person.

4. Travel!! Airbnbs, and I would do the Airbnb "experiences" whatever those are! I would also spend mucho tiempo in England! Because if you can believe I have never been to England besides the airport!

5. House and car and landline. I would not go for a huge mansion or a lavish house or anything too fancy, with a pool. I would just purchase a nice house in a nice or ok neighborhood.  I wouldn't go for like Newton -I would stick with a middle class Jamaica Plain neighborhood- I wouldn't really be picky about the neighborhood. There is no way Taylor Swift is happy with her mansion on the beach in Rhode Island!  That must be so isolating. Which is why she has those secret sessions!

6. Pay for my little brother's school. His undergrad and graduate school. I would just pay it all off.

7. I would pay for my parents' elderly care services. Which I am in complete denial about and don't want to discuss further rn.

8. That's pretty much it!! College kind of ruined money for me because I found meaning in books and life and people at the end of college...:/

But I you know honestly could do right now with a billion dollars!

I think most people go through financial fluctuations throughout their life. My life tends to be like... a little bit extreme in the fluctuation. Like I'm either starving and have not place to live or have everything.
It's up and down extremes, and it's destabilizing, and leads to mental health issues, which I struggle with, and have for my whole life!
Working on it.


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